Educational guide
Study programme
Descriptors Credit. Type Year Period
6 Optional First First
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General description Review of Strategic Management foundations with a focus on the main current lines of research.
Tribunales de Revisión
Tribunal titular
Cargo Departamento Profesor
Tribunal suplente
Cargo Departamento Profesor

Type A Code Competences Specific
Type B Code Competences Transversal
Type C Code Competences Nuclear

Learning aims
Identify the main concepts, the most relevant research lines, and the most common methodologies. C1
Carry out a critical literature review in the field of strategic management. C4
Contribute to the existing literature with new ideas and approaches. C4
Communicate orally and in writing knowledge, ideas and contributions. C3

Topic Sub-topic
1. Fundamentals of Strategic Management
2. Business goals and values
3. Internal analysis: The resource-based view
4. External analysis
5. Decision-making process
6. Competitive strategies and competitive dynamics
7. Diversification strategies
8. Internationalisation strategies
9. Strategic alliances

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Class hours Hours outside the classroom Total hours
Presentations / expositions 18 18 36
Personal tuition 5 0 5
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms 10 0 10
Seminars 5 0 5
Assignments 0 33 33
Lecture 18 27 45
Extended-answer tests 4 12 16
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies   ::  
Presentations / expositions Writing and presentation of essays
Personal tuition Tutoring and debate with the students about topics related to the subject
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms Online follow-up activities on topics related to the subject
Seminars Seminars on specific topics related to the subject
Assignments Writing of essays based on the documentation provided
Lecture Lectures in which the teacher will present content of the subject and discuss it with the students

Personalized attention
Presentations / expositions
Personal tuition
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms
Extended-answer tests
Resolution of doubts about the content of the lectures and the writing/presentation of essays.

  Description Qualification
Presentations / expositions Each student must select an article from the provided list to carry out an in-depth analysis, summarise it and present it in class. 10%
Assignments Students will be asked to read articles, summarise them and answer questions about them. 35%
Extended-answer tests There will be a final written exam about the main references in each unit and the content of the lectures. 50%
Others The students' participation in class will also be taken into account. 5%
Other comments and second call

It is required that students attend at least 80% of the sessions. The evaluation criteria for the second call will remain the same.

Sources of information
Access to Recommended Bibliography in the Catalog ULE


1. Fundamentos de dirección estratégica

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 1, epígrafes 1 y 2 de Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009). Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lectura conceptual obligatoria:

Durand, R., Grant, R., y Madsen, T. (2017). The expanding domain of Strategic Management research and the quest for integration, Strategic Management Journal, 38, 4-16. (sólo hasta pág.11).

Otras lecturas complementarias recomendadas:

Barney, J. y Felin, (2013). What are microfoundations? Academy of Management Perspectives, 27(2), 138-155.

Cuypers, I. R., Hennart, J. F., Silverman, B. S., y Ertug, G. (2021). Transaction cost theory: Past progress, current challenges, and suggestions for the future. Academy of Management Annals, 15(1), 111-150.

Foss, K. y Foss, N.J. (2022). Economic Microfoundations of Strategic Management. The propert right perspective. Palgrave Macmillan.

Furrer, O., Thomas, H., y Gousseskavia, A. (2008). The structure and evolution of the strategic management field: A content analysis of 26 years of strategic management research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10(1), 1-23.

Guerras, L. A., y Suárez, I. (2015). Características y evolución de la Dirección Estratégica en España en los últimos 25 años. En S. García Echevarría y J. J. Durán Herrera (Eds.), ACEDE, 25 años de historia. Evolución de la investigación en Economía y Dirección de Empresas en España (pp. 37-50). ACEDE.

Guerras-Martín, L.A., Madhok, A., y Montoro-Sánchez, A. (2014). The evolution of strategic management research: Recent trends and current directions. BRQ Business Review Quarterly, 17(2), 69-76.

Hoskisson, R. E., Hitt, M. A., y Wan, W. P. (1999). Theory and research in strategic management: Swings of a pendulum.  Journal of Management, 25(3), 417-456.

Joullié, J.-E., & Gould, A. M. (2023). Theory, explanation, and understanding in management research. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 26(4), 347-360.

Kenworthy, T. P., y Verbeke, A. (2015). The future of strategic management research: Assessing the quality of theory borrowing. European Management Journal, 22, 179-190.

Nag, R., Hambrick, D. D., y Chen, M. (2007). What is Strategic Management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal, 28(9), 935-955. DOI: 10.1002/smj.615

Peng, M. W., Sun, S. L., Pinkham, B., y Chen, H. (2009). The institution-based view as a third leg for a strategy tripod. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(3), 63-81.

Planellas, M. (2016). La evolución de la estrategia. Harvard Deusto Business Review, junio, 6-17.

Rumelt, R. P., Schendel, D., Teece, D. J. (1994). Fundamental issues in strategy. En R. P. Rumelt, D. Schendel y D. J. Teece (Eds.), Fundamental issues in strategy: A research agenda (1ª ed., pp.7-47). Harvard Business School Press.

Rumelt, R. P., Schendel, D., y Teece, D. J. (1991). Strategic Management and Economics. Strategic Management Journal, 12, 5-29.

Vanneste, B.  (2017). How much do industry, corporation, and business matter, really? A meta-analysis. Strategy Science, 2(2),121-139


2. Objetivos y Valores

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 1, epígrafes 3, 4 y 5 de Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009): Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Se trabajará sobre la lectura en la clase:

Barnett, M. L., y Salomon, R. M. (2012). Does it pay to be really good? Addressing the shape of the relationship between social and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal, 33(11), 1304-1320. (Artículo tipo para la tarea de presentación de trabajos empíricos).

Lectura conceptual obligatoria:

Shen, N., Au, K., y Li, W. (2020). Strategic alignment of intangible assets: The role of corporate social responsibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(4), 1119–1139.

Otras lecturas complementarias recomendadas:

Aguinis, H., y Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility. Journal of Management, 38(4), 932-968.

Alonso-Martínez, D.; Jiménez-Parra, B. y Fernández Gago, R. (2021): Disability as a driving force of sustainable business models in the fourth sector. En M.I. Hernández; L. Carvalho; C. Rego; M.R. Lucas, y A. Noronha, (Eds.), Entrepreneurship in the Fourth Sector. Series: Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics, (pp. 75-97). Springer.

Bansal, P. y Song, H. (2017). Similar but not the same: Differentiating corporate sustainability from corporate responsibility. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 105-149.

Battilana, J., Obloj, T., Pache, A. y Sengul, M. (2022). Beyond shareholder value maximization: Accounting for financial/social trade-Offs in dual-purpose companies. Academy of Management Review, 47(2), 237-258.

Fernández?Gago, R., Cabeza?García, L. y Godos?Díez, J. L. (2020). How significant is corporate social responsibility to business research? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(4), 1809-1817.

Ferramosca, S. y Verona, R. (2020). Framing the evolution of corporate social responsibility as a discipline (1973–2018): A large?scale scientometric analysis. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(1), 178-203.

Frynas, J.G. y Yamahaki, C. (2016). Corporate social responsibility: review and roadmap of theoretical perspectives, Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(3), 258-285.

Grewatsch, S. y Kleindienst, I. (2017). When does it pay to be good? Moderators and mediators in the corporate sustainability–corporate financial performance relationship: A critical review, Journal of Business Ethics, 145(2), 383-416.

Johnston, A., Amaeshi, K., Adegbite, E. y Osuji, O. (2021). Corporate social responsibility as obligated internalization of social costs. Journal of Business Ethics, 170(1), 39–52.

Jones, T. M., Harrison, J. S. y Felps, W. (2018). How applying instrumental stakeholder theory can provide sustainable competitive advantage, Academy of Management Review, 43(3), 371-391.

Lynn, A. (2021). Why doing well by doing good went wrong: Getting beyond good ethics pays claims in managerial thinking. Academy of Management Review, 46(3), 512-533.

Velte, P. (published online first 2021). Meta-analyses on corporate social responsibility (CSR): A literature review. Management Review Quarterly.

Wickert, C. (2021). Corporate social responsibility research in the Journal of Management Studies: A shift from a business-centric to a society-centric focus. Journal of Management, 58(8), E1-E17.

Yuan, Y., Lu, L.Y., Tian, G. y Yu, Y. (2020). Business strategy and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 162(2), 359–377.


3. Teoría de recursos y capacidades

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 3, epígrafes 3-6 de Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009). Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lecturas conceptuales obligatorias:

Barney, J. B., and Arikan, A. (2001). The Resource-Based view: Origins and Implications. En M. A. Hitt, R. E. Freeman, S. Harrison (Eds.) The Blackwell Handbook of Strategic Management (pp. 124-188). Blackwell Publishers Inc.

Peteraf, M. A. (1993). The cornerstones of competitive advantage: a resource-based view, Strategic Management Journal, 14(3), 179-191.

Otras lecturas complementarias recomendadas:

Ambrosini, V. and Bowman, C. (2009). What are dynamic capabilities and are they useful constructs in strategic management? International Journal of Management Reviews, 11, 29-49.

Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17, 99-120.

Barreto, I. (2010). Dynamic Capabilities: A review of past research and an agenda for the future, Journal of Management, 36, 256-280.

Fernández, Z. y Suárez, I. (1996). La estrategia de la empresa desde una perspectiva basada en los recursos.  Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 5(3),73-92.

Helfat, C. E.; Kaul, A.; Ketchen Jr., D. J.; Barney, J. B.; Chatain, O.; Singh, H. (2023). Renewing the resource-based view: New contexts, new concepts, and new methods. Strategic Management Journal 44(6), 0143-2095.

Hoopes, D. G., Madsen, T. L., y Walker, G. (2003). Toward a Theory of competitive heterogeneity. Strategic Management Journal, 24, 889-902.

Peteraf, M. A., y Barney, J. B. (2003). Unraveling the resource-based Tangle. Managerial and Decision Economics, 24, 309-323.

Priem, R. L. y Butler, J. E. (2001). Is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic management research? Academy of Management Review, 26, 57-66.

Rouse M. J., y Daellenbach, U. (1999). Rethinking research methods for the Resource-Based perspective: Isolating sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 20, 487-494.


4. Análisis del entorno

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 2 en Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009). Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lectura conceptual obligatoria:

Ortega-Colomer, F.J., Molina-Morales; F.X. y Fernández de Lucio, I. (2016). Discussing the concepts of cluster and industrial district. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 11(2), 139-147.

Otras lecturas recomendadas:

Busch, Ch. y Barkema, H. (2021). From necessity to opportunity: Scaling bricolage across resource-constrained environments. Strategic Management Journal, 42(4), 741-773. DOI: 10.1002/smj.3237

Escribá-Esteve, A., Aldás, J., Iborra, M. y Safón, V. (2019). Grupos estratégicos en el sistema universitario español: identificación e implicaciones. Boletín de la Sección de Estrategia Empresarial de ACEDE, 20, 5-12.

García-Lillo, F, Claver-Cortés, E., Marco-Lajara, B., Úbeda-García, M. y Seva-Larrosa, P. (2018). On clusters and industrial districts: A literature review using bibliometrics methods, 2000-2015. Papers in Regional Science, 97(4), 835-862. DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12291

Gómez, J., Orcos, R. y Palomas, S. (2017). Do strategic groups explain differences in multimarket competition spillovers? Strategic Organization, 15(3), 367-389.

Han, T., Ghobadian, A., Yim, A., Tao, R. y Thomas, H. (2023). Competitive categorization and networks: cognitive strategic groups. British Journal of Management, 34(4), 1687-1713.

Korsgaard, S. (2013). It’s really out there: a review of the critique of the discovery view of opportunities. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 19(2), 130-148.

Miller, K. D. y Lin, S. J. (2015). Analogical reasoning for diagnosing strategic issues in dynamic and complex environments. Strategic Management Journal, 36(13), 2000-2020. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2335.

Phadnis, S., Caplice, C., Sheffi, Y., y Singh, M. (2015). Effect of scenario planning on field experts' judgment of long-range investment decisions. Strategic Management Journal, 36(9), 1401-1411. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2293

Saggese, S. (2016). Governance of industrial districts: Bibliometric and cluster analyses. International Journal of Business and Management, 11(9), 36-50. DOI:


5. Procesos de toma de decisiones

Lectura conceptual obligatoria:

Ozleblebici, Z. y Cetín, S. (2015). The role of managerial perception within strategic management: an exploratory overview of the literature. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207, 296-305.

Otras lecturas recomendadas:

Ben-Hur, S., Kinley, N. & Jonsen, K. (2012). “Coaching executive teams to reach better decisions”. Journal of Management Development, 31 (7), 711-723.

Chapman, J. (2006). “Anxiety and defective decision making: an elaboration of the grupothink model”. Management Decision, 44 (10), 1391-1404.

Chuan, F. & Cerdá, D. (2022). “Pensamiento crítico, el gran olvidado de los comités de dirección”. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 324, 7-16.

Daft, R.L. y Weick, K.E. (1984). Toward a model of organizations as interpretation systems. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 284-293.

Hauser, A., Eggers, F. y Güldenberg, S. (2020). Strategic decision-making in SMEs: effectuation, causation, and the absence of strategy. Small Business Economics, 54 (3), 775-790.

Helfat, C.E. y Peteraf, M.A. (2015): Managerial cognitive capabilities and the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities. Strategic Management Journal, 36 (6), 831-850. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2247.

Levine, S. S., Bernard, M. y Nagel, R. (2017): Strategic intelligence: the cognitive capability to anticipate competitor behavior. Strategic Management Journal, 38(12), 2390-2423. DOI: 10.1002/smj.2660.

Sukhov, A., Sihvonen, A., Netz, J., Magnusson, P.R. y Olsson, L.E. (2021): How experts screen ideas: The complex interplay of intuition, analysis and sensemaking. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 38(2), 248-270. DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12559.


6. Estrategias competitivas y dinámica competitiva

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 4, epígrafe 1 en Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009). Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lecturas conceptuales obligatorias:

Snow, Ch. y Hambrick, D. (1980). Measuring organizational strategies: some theoretical and methodological problems. Academy of Management Review, 5(4), 527-538.

Aragón-Correa, J. A. (1998). ¿Cómo medir la estrategia de la empresa? Dirección y Organización, 19, 43-50

Otras lecturas recomendadas:

Argyres, N., Mahoney, J.T., Nickerson, J. (2019). Strategic responses to shocks: Comparative adjustment costs, transaction costs, and opportunity costs. Strategic Management Journal, 40, 357–376.

Brandenburger, A. M., y Stuart, H. W. (1996). Value-based business strategy. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 5(1), 5–24.

Campbell-Hunt, C. (2000). What have we learned about generic competitive strategy? A meta-analysis, Strategic Management Journal, 21, 127-154.

Collis, D. J., y Rukstad, M. G. (2008). Can you say what your strategy is? Harvard Business Review, 86(4), 1-9.

Chen, M., y Miller, D. (2012). Competitive dynamics: Themes, trends and a prospective research platform. Academy of Management Annals, 6, 1-89.

Hill, C. W. L. (1988). Differentiation versus low cost or differentiation and low cost: A contingency framework. Academy of Management Review, 13(3), 401-412.

Porter, M. E. (1996). Qué es estrategia. Harvard Business Review, nov-dec., 61-78.

Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J.Y., y Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879–903.


7. Estrategias de diversificación

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 4, epígrafe 2-6 en Guerras, L.A., Navas, J.E., Rimbau, E. (2009): Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lecturas conceptuales obligatorias:

Montgomery, C. A. (1994). Corporate diversification. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(3), 163-178.

Otras lecturas recomendadas:

Ahuja, G., & Novelli, E. (2017). Redirecting research efforts on the diversification-performance linkage: The search for synergy. The Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 342-390. doi: 10.5465/annals.2014.0079

Guerras-Martín, L.A., Ronda-Pupo, G., Zuñiga-Vicente, J.A. y Benito-Osorio, D. (2020). Half a century of research on corporate diversification: A new comprehensive framework. Journal of Business Research, 114, 124-141.

Campa, J. M. and Kedia. K. (2002). Explaining the diversification discount. Journal of Finance, 57(4),1731-1762.

Carney, M., Van Essen, M., Estrin, S., & Shapiro, D. (2018). Business groups reconsidered: Beyond paragons and parasites. Academy of Management Perspectives, 32(4), 493–516.

Dhir S., y Dhir S. (2015). Diversification: Literature review and issues. Strategic Change, 24, 569–588.Lüthge, A. (2020). The concept of relatedness in diversification research: review and synthesis. Review of Management Science 14, 1–35.

Martin, J. D., y Sayrak, A. (2003). Corporate diversification and shareholder value: a survey of recent literature. Journal of Corporate Finance, 9, 37-57.

Palich, L. E., Cardinal, L. B., y Miller C. C. (2000). Curvilinearity in the diversification-performance linkage: An examination of over three decades of research, Strategic Management Journal, 21(2), 155-174.

Wan, W. P., Hoskisson, R. E., Short, J., y Yiu, D.W. (2011). Resource-based theory and corporate diversification: Accomplishments and opportunities. Journal of Management,            37(5), 1335-1368.

Schommer, M., Richter, A. y Karna, A. (2019). Does the diversification-firm performance relationship change over time? A meta-analytical review. Journal of Management Studies, 56(1), 270-298. doi: 10.1111/joms.12393


8. Estrategias de Internacionalización

Conocimientos previos: Nota técnica disponible en Studium

Lecturas conceptuales obligatorias:

Rialp, J. (1999). Los enfoques microorganizativos de la internacionalización de la empresa: una revisión y síntesis de la literatura. Información Comercial Española, 781, 117-128.

Miratvilles, P., y Zhang, Y. (2016). Six decades of International business research: Where next? Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, 1(1), 63-94.

Otras lecturas recomendadas:

Dunning, J. H. (2001). The eclectic (OLI) paradigm of international production: Past, present and future. International Journal of the Economics and Business, 8 (2), 173-190.

Guillén, M., y García-Canal, E. (2009). The American model of the multinational firm and the “new” multinationals from emergent economies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(2), 23-35.

Hitt, M., y Pisano, G. (2003). The cross-border merger and acquisition strategy: a research perspective. Management Research, 1(2), 133-144.

Hitt, M., Tihany, L., Millar, T., y Conelly, B. (2006). International diversification: Antecedents, outcomes and moderators. Journal of Management, 32, 821-867.

Martínez-Noya, A., y Narula, R. (2018). What more can we learn from R&D alliances? A review and research agenda. BRQ-Business Research Quarterly, 21, 195-212.


9. Alianzas estratégicas

Conocimientos previos: Módulo 4, epígrafe 7-8 en Guerras, L. A., Navas, J. E., Rimbau, E. (2009). Dirección estratégica. Eureca Media. Accesible en:

Lecturas recomendadas:

Child, D., Faulkner, and S. Tallman (2005). Cooperative Strategies. Oxford University Press, cap. 2-3, 17- 49.

Dyer, J. y Singh, H. (1998). The relational view: cooperative strategy and sources of interorganizational Competitive Advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 660-679.

Kale, P. y Singh, H. (2009). Managing strategic alliances: What do we know now, and where do we go from here? Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(3), 43-62.

Madhok, A. (1997). Cost, value and foreign market entering mode: The transaction and the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 18, 39-61.

Soda, G., y Furlotti, M. (2017). Bringing tasks back in: An organizational theory of tesource complementarity and partner selection. Journal of Management, 43(2), 348-375.

Haleblian, J. C. E., Devers, G., McNamara, Carpenter, M.A. and R. B. Davidson (2009). Taking stock of what we know about mergers and acquisitions: a review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 35(3), 469-502.



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Active participation by the students in class facilitates the acquisition of skills and the achievement of the learning objectives.