Educational guide
Study programme
Descriptors Credit. Type Year Period
9 Compulsory Third Second
Web http://
General description General concepts of animal production and importance of livestock production in a global context. Application of physiological and behavioral fundaments in different production procedures. Integration of theoretical and practical knowledge on management, facilities designee, handling planning both in domestic and animals useful to man, considering animal welfare, environmental impact of farming and sustainability implications.
Tribunales de Revisión
Tribunal titular
Cargo Departamento Profesor
Tribunal suplente
Cargo Departamento Profesor

A19612 106P10 Assess and interpret the productive and health parameters of an animal group, considering the economic and welfare aspects.
A19613 106P11 Use protocols aimed at modifying and optimizing animal production systems.
A19614 106P12 Respect and enforce animal welfare in all professional activities related to animal management.
A19615 106P13 Minimise the risks of contamination and cross-infection in animal facilities and in the field.
A19618 106P16 Carry out risk analysis, including environmental and biosafety risks, as well as their assessment and management.
A19620 106P18 Develop technical and economic advisory and management tasks for veterinary companies in a context of sustainability.
A19628 106P8 Apply basic care that guarantees the correct functioning of the reproductive cycle and the resolution of obstetric problems.
A19667 106S43 Bases of animal production: traditional and current systems.
A19671 106S47 Reproductive strategies and procedures applied to production.
A19672 106S48 Fundamentals of livestock facilities and environmental hygiene.
A19675 106S50 Sustainable development.
A19676 106S51 Aquaculture.
B6472 106G2 Work as a team, single or multidisciplinary, and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity to the work of others.
B6473 106G3 Maintain ethical behavior in the exercise of their responsibilities towards the profession and society.
B6478 106G8 Know how to get professional advice and help.
B6479 106G9 Demonstrate interest in knowing how to use basic computer tools.
B6481 106G11 Keep the knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional competencies updated through a continuing education process.
C2 CMECES2 That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
C3 CMECES3 That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific or ethical nature.
C4 CMECES4 That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both a specialised and non-specialised audience
C5 CMECES5 That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy

Learning aims
Knowledge about the basic terminology of animal production and the importance of livestock farming in the global context. A19667
Knowledge about domestic animals' physiological, productive, and ethological bases and their repercussions on animal welfare. A19612
Able to detect how environmental conditions, facilities, and management cause zootechnical pathologies such as heat stroke, agalactia, and stress. A19672
Able to apply knowledge of environmental management and control (animal hygiene) to conservation and sustainable development. A19615
Knowledge about the production techniques appropriate to each circumstance and animal species. A19672
Knows about aquatic animal production systems, the functional design of facilities and general management. A19676
Trained to plan, manage, evaluate and critically review livestock farms, including any appropriate reforms. A19612
Able to evaluate and interpret the productive and reproductive parameters of farms, while considering physiological, zootechnical, economic, and welfare aspects. A19628
Qualified to carry out an animal welfare audit. A19614
Respond to the regulations and technical requirements demanded by the different administrations and companies responsible for the correction of the environmental impacts of different livestock waste. A19618

Topic Sub-topic
I. INTRODUCTION (Dr. Alonso de la Varga and Dr. González Eguren). 2 hours Thematic unit.- CONCEPTS OF ZOOTECHNICS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTION. Introduction and definition of zootechnics and animal production. History, evolution and future. Bases and conditioning factors of animal production. (Dr. Alonso de la Varga)

Thematic unit.- ANIMAL EXPLOITATION SYSTEMS. Extensive exploitation. Advantages and disadvantages. Intensive exploitation. Advantages and disadvantages. Mixed systems. Current situation. Orientation and future. (Dr. González Eguren)
II. SWINE PRODUCTION (Dr. Vicente González Eguren). 7 hours Thematic unit.- INTRODUCTION TO SWINE PRODUCTION. Production and censuses. Productive structure. Conditioning factors and costs. Production systems. Management and classification of pig farms.

Thematic unit.- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND FACILITIES IN SWINE CULTURE. Welfare in pig production. Environmental requirements in pig farms.

Thematic unit.- REPRODUCTION OF SWINE LIVESTOCK. Mating. Gestation. Birth.

Thematic unit.- BREEDING IN SWINE LIVESTOCK. Lactation, weaning, and transition. Piglet behavior and management.

Thematic unit.- INTENSIVE BAIT IN SWINE. Behavior and management of the fattening pig. Production planning (band management).

Thematic unit.- PLANNING OF SWINE PRODUCTION. Management in bands.

Thematic unit.- EXTENSIVE SWINE PRODUCTION IN SPAIN. The Iberian pig. Subsector structure. Management and feeding.
III. POULTRY PRODUCTION (Dr. Vicente González Eguren and Dr. Carral Llamazares). 7 + 3 hours Thematic unit.- INTRODUCTION TO POULTRY PRODUCTIONS. Classification. Classic and industrial poultry farming. General scheme of industrial poultry farming. Egg production. Broiler production.

Thematic unit.- ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND POULTRY FACILITIES. Environmental conditions: temperature, relative humidity, air quality, ventilation, and lighting. Housing: floor, cages, and alternative systems. Feeders and waterers.

Reception of 1-day-old chicks. Animal density. Lighting programs. Peak cutting. Feeding management. Weight control. Breeding and rearing of reproductive males.

Transfer to laying shed. Types of accommodation. Nesting boxes. Lighting programs. Triages. Cloquez. Setting curve. Hatchability.

Thematic unit.- COMMERCIAL LAYER STATION. Light and semi-heavy strains. Types of farms: evolution and trends. Protection standards for laying hens (DIRECTIVE 1999/74 CE). Conditioned cages. Alternative systems: litter, slats, and aviaries. Collection of eggs and chicken manure. Forced molting: methods adapted to animal welfare regulations.

Thematic unit.- BROILER PRODUCTION. Types of accommodation. Density: protection regulations in meat poultry farming. Growth speed. Viability. Feed consumption. Conversion rate. Production indexes.

Thematic unit.- DIFFERENTIATED POULTRY PRODUCTIONS. Censuses and differentiated poultry production in Spain. Species and production systems. (Dr. Carral Llamazares)
IV. AQUACULTURE (Dr. María Saiz-Royuela Gonzalo). 5 hours Thematic unit.- AQUACULTURE. Concept, background, and productive objectives. The current state of aquaculture in the world, in the European Union, and Spain: cultured species and production volumes. Crop stages. Production systems in Spain.
V. SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTIONS (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 7 hours Thematic unit.- SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION. Geographic distribution and global importance of sheep and goat production. Sheep and goats in Spain. Sheep and goats in Castilla y León. Current trends and future of sheep and goat production.

Thematic unit.- BASIC CONCEPTS IN DAIRY SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION. Mention of the main dairy breeds. Modalities and prodction systems. Factors that influence milk production.

Thematic unit.- BASIC CONCEPTS IN SHEEP AND GOAT MEAT PRODUCTION. Mention of the main meat-producing breeds. Modalities and production systems.

Thematic unit.- CONSTRUCTIONS AND ACCOMMODATIONS. Constructions and accommodation for sheep and goats. Mechanical milking facilities.

Thematic unit.- MILKING MANAGEMENT. Milking routine. Washing routine. Milk payment criteria and systems.

Thematic unit.- FOOD MANAGEMENT. Types of foods used in feeding dairy sheep and goats. Feeding and management systems in dairy sheep and goats. Types of production and feeding and management systems in sheep and goats for meat production.

Thematic unit.- REPRODUCTION IN DAIRY SHEEP AND GOATS. Reproductive characteristics. Fertility and prolificacy. Reproductive techniques for zootechnical improvement. Management practices.

Thematic unit.- BREEDING AND BREEDING TECHNIQUES IN DAIRY SHEEP AND GOATS. Production of replacement animals. Newborn management practices. Lactation and weaning. Feeding and management rules during breeding. Accommodations.

Thematic unit.- WELFARE IN SMALL RUMINANTS. Factors that influence comfort and wellfare in small ruminants: facilities and accommodation and management practices.
VI. BOVINOTECHNIA (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 14 hours Thematic unit.- CATTLE PRODUCTION. Geographic distribution and global importance of cattle production. Cattle in the European Union. Cattle in Spain. Cattle in Castilla y León. Future perspectives.

Thematic unit.- BASIC CONCEPTS IN DAIRY CATTLE PRODUCTION. Mention of the main dairy breeds. Modalities and production systems.

Thematic unit.- BASIC CONCEPTS IN CATTLE PRODUCTION OF MEAT SUITABILITY. Mention of the main meat breeds. Modalities and production systems.

Thematic unit.- CONSTRUCTIONS AND ACCOMMODATIONS. Constructions and accommodation for cattle in permanent stabling. Constructions and accommodation for cattle in free stabling. Mechanical milking facilities.

Thematic unit.- MILKING MANAGEMENT. Milking routine. Washing routine. Milk payment criteria and systems.

Thematic unit.- FEED MANAGEMENT IN DAIRY PRODUCTION. Types of foods used in feeding dairy cattle. Management of forage production. Feeding and management systems.

Thematic unit.- DRY COW MANAGEMENT. Facilities and Management of the cow during the drying period and the transition.

Thematic unit.- FOOD MANAGEMENT IN MEAT PRODUCTION. Types of foods used in feeding beef cattle. Management of forage production. Feeding and management systems: intensive, semi-extensive, and extensive baiting.

Thematic unit.- REPRODUCTION IN CATTLE. Reproductive indexes. Reproduction management in dairy cattle. Influence of diet. Heat detection. Management of fertilization. Diagnosis of pregnancy. Productive implications of embryonic transplantation.

Thematic unit.- BREEDING AND BREEDING TECHNIQUES IN BEEF CATTLE. Production of replacement animals. Newborn management practices. Breastfeeding and weaning. Feeding and management rules during breeding. Accommodations (legal regulations).

Thematic unit.- CATTLE WELFARE. Concept of comfort in dairy cattle. Factors that influence the comfort and well-being of dairy cattle: facilities and accommodation. Factors that influence the comfort and well-being of dairy cattle: management practices.

Thematic unit.- LIDIA BREED PRODUCTION. Introduction. Animal factor. Current situation and censuses. Physical environment, accommodations and facilities. Selection. Reproduction.
Management and health. Transport and commercial.
VII. EQUINE PRODUCTION (Dr. Alonso de la Varga). 2 hours Thematic unit.- EQUID PRODUCTION. Censuses and utilities, importance, and objectives. Horse production. Production systems. Accommodations. Driving. Feeding. Genetic improvement. Reproduction. Hygiene and prophylaxis. Health aspects. Equine meat farms. Ass and mule production.
VIII. CUNICULTURE (Dr. José Manuel Carral Llamazares). 3 hours Thematic unit.- CUNICULTURE. Censuses and importance of rabbit production. Rabbit production systems, management and housing, zootechnical and economic management.

IX. CANICULTURE SEMINAR (Dr. José Manuel Carral Llamazares). 2 hours Thematic unit.- CANICULTURE. Canine breeding and housing systems.

X. SEMINAR ON CINEMATIC PRODUCTIONS (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 2 hours Thematic unit.- HUNTING PRODUCTION. Importance and objectives. Main large and small game species.

Thematic unit.- SMALL GAME PRODUCTION. Current situation of natural populations. Small game production. Red partridge production. Facilities. Management of reproduction. Production of wild leporids in captivity.

Thematic Unit.- BIG GAME PRODUCTION. Deer production. Production systems: types. Facilities. Management of reproduction. Wild boar farms. Roe deer farms.
XI. BEEKEEPING SEMINAR (Dr. González Eguren). 2 hours Thematic unit.- BEEKEEPING. Accommodations and main management practices in beekeeping production.
XII. SWINE PRODUCTION PRACTICES (Dr. Vicente González Eguren). 2 + 2 hours Thematic unit.- Pig facilities and accommodation. Main management practices carried out in pigs. Productive control of pig farms.

Classroom practices
Duration: 2 hours
No. of groups: 2
Location: Faculty classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1

Farm practices
Duration: 2 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: farm of the University of León
Number of teachers per group: 1
XIII. POULTRY PRODUCTION PRACTICES (Dr. Vicente González Eguren and Dr. Carral Llamazares). 2 + 1 hours Thematic unit.- Facilities and accommodation in poultry farming. Main management practices carried out in poultry farming.

Classroom practices
Duration: 2 hours (x 2 sessions, a = laying, b = meat)
No. of groups: 2
Location: Faculty classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1 (Prof. Carral)

Farm practices
Duration: 1 hour
Number of groups: 12
Location: farm of the University of León
Number of teachers per group: 1 (Prof. González)
XIV. AQUACULTURE PRACTICES (Dr. María Saez-Royuela Gonzalo and Dr. José Carral Llamazares). 2 + 4 hours Thematic unit.- Facilities and management in aquaculture.

Classroom practices
Duration: 2 hours
No. of groups: 2
Location: Faculty classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1 (Prof. Saez-Royuela)

Practical learning using ICT
Duration: 2 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: computer classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1 (Prof. Saez-Royuela)

Aquaculture laboratory practices
Duration: 2 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: Aquaculture laboratory ground floor Animal Production Department (Veterinary Faculty)
Number of teachers per group: 1 (Prof. Carral Llamazares)
XV. BOVINE TECHNIQUE PRACTICES (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 2 + 5 hours Thematic unit.- Cattle facilities and accommodation.

Thematic unit.- Main management practices carried out in cattle.

Thematic unit.- Management of milking in cattle.

Thematic unit.- Evaluation of Animal Welfare in cattle.

Classroom practices
Duration: 2 hours
No. of groups: 2
Location: video classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1

Farm practices
Duration: 5 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: farm of the University of León
Number of teachers per group: 1
XVI. EQUINOTECHNICS PRACTICES (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 2 hours Farm practical learning
Duration: 2 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: farm of the University of León
Number of teachers per group: 1
XVII. SHEEP AND GOAT PRODUCTION PRACTICES (Dr. Marta Elena Alonso de la Varga). 2 + 3 hours Thematic unit.- Facilities and accommodation for sheep and goats.

Thematic unit.- Facilities and management of milking in sheep.

Thematic unit.- Main management practices in sheep.

Thematic unit.- Evaluation of Animal Welfare in sheep.

Classroom practices
Duration: 2 hours
No. of groups: 2
Location: video classroom
Number of teachers per group: 1

Farm practices
Duration: 3 hours
Number of groups: 12
Location: farm of the University of León
Number of teachers per group: 1
XVIII. WORKS AND SEMINARS (Dr. González, Dr. Carral, Dra. Alonso, and Dra. Saez). 2 hours Preparation and presentation of student work.
Duration: 2 hours (exhibition and assistance)
No. of groups: 2 groups for the exhibition of works
Location: Faculty classroom
Number of teachers per group: 2

Methodologies  ::  Tests
  Class hours Hours outside the classroom Total hours
Seminars 16 8 24
Field work/trips 15 9 24
Personal tuition 3 15 18
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms 2 2 4
Assignments 2 6 8
Lecture 50 75 125
Objective short-answer tests 1 4 5
Mixed tests 4 13 17
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies   ::  
Seminars Interaction of students and the teacher to delve deeper into the proposed work topics.
Field work/trips Practices on the University farm: by carrying out visits to the various species useful to man, the productive factors and techniques will be analyzed and evaluated, and the impact on the animal welfare, participating in the main management practices.
Personal tuition Tutoring and directed autonomous work: in the tutoring, personal attention will be given to the students, both in theoretical-practical content and methodology, for carrying out work.
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms The interaction between students will occur, directed by the teacher, to solve exercises and problems, as well as the study of farms and/or companies, with real or simulated data.
Assignments Work developed by the student to delve deeper into a specific topic under the guidance of a teacher.
Lecture Contents will be exposed to students, with the support of multimedia presentations.

Personalized attention
Personal tuition
Practicals using information and communication technologies (ICTs) in computer rooms
Personal attention will be given to students, both in theoretical-practical content and methodology, for carrying out work or preparing topics for seminars.

  Description Qualification
Objective short-answer tests Writing exercises 15 %
Mixed tests Written exam of short questions, problems and practical cases, and optionally multiple-choice closed-response questions. 70 %
Others Attendance at practical classes and evaluation of a report, written or videographic work, and its presentation.
Other comments and second call
In the second call, the mixed tests will count 85% and attendance at practices and derived works will count 15%.

During the evaluation tests, it will not be possible to use printed materials or electronic resources (calculators, tablets, phones, computers, etc.), except for those tests that, under the express direction of the teacher, require the use of any of these resources. If any irregularity occurs during the corresponding exam or evaluation test, the exam will be immediately withdrawn, the student will be expelled and graded as a fail. In any case, the provisions of the internal regulations of the ULe included in the document "Guidelines for action in cases of plagiarism, copying or fraud in exams or evaluation tests" will be followed (Approved Permanent Commission of the Governing Council 01/29 /2015).

Sources of information
Access to Recommended Bibliography in the Catalog ULE

Basic Buxadé Carbó C, Zootecnia: bases de producción animal. T. XII: producciones cinegéticas, apícolas y otras, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1997
Pillay TVR, Acuicultura:principios y prácticas, España: Limusa, 2004
Castelló JA, Producción de carne y de huevos, Barcelona: Real Escuela de Avicultura, 2010
Sañudo, C., Jimenoc V., Cerviño, M., Producción de ganado vacuno de carne y tipos comerciales en España, Madrid: Schering-Plough, 2008
Avila, S. Gutierrez, A., Producción de leche con ganado bovino, Méjico: Yire, 2014
Buxadé C, Zootecnia, bases de producción animal. Tomo IX: producción caprina, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Buxadé C, Zootecnia, bases de producción animal. Tomo VII: producción vacuno de leche y carne, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Buxadé C, Zootecnia, bases de producción animal. Tomo VIII: producción ovina, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Buxadé C, Zootecnia, bases de producción animal. Tomo XI: producciones equinas y de ganado de lidia, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Buxadé C, Zootecnia. Bases de producción animal. Tomo X: producciones cunicola y avícolas alternativas, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Buxadé C, Zootecnia. Bases de producción animal. Tomo X: producciones cunicola y avícolas alternativas, Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, 1996
Complementary Gonzalo C, Blanco MA, Palacios C, Martínez A, Beneitez E, González MT, Granado JC , Buenas prácticas ganaderas, control de riesgos y sistemas integrales de calidad y seguridad alimentaria en las explotaciones lecheras de ganado ovino y caprino , Zamora: Consorcio de Promoción del Ovino , 2004
Muroya C , Como hacer rentable un establo , Lima: Universidad Alas Peruanas , 2004
Jan Hulsen , Cow Signals: A practical guide for dairy farm management , Zutphen: RoodBond Publishers , 2007
Thickett B , Cría de teneros , Zaragoza: Acribia , 2003
García Matín E , Crianza de patos, aptitud foei-gras , Barcelona: Real Escuela de Avicultura , 1996
Hill J, Andrews AH , Cuidados de la vaca lechera gestante , Zaragoza: Acribia , 2000
Kebreab E, Mills J, Beever D , Dairying: using science to meet consumers? needs , Nottingham University Press , 2004
Instituto del Huevo , El libro del huevo , León: Everest , 2009
Buxadé C , El ordeño en el ganado vacuno: aspectos claves , Madrid: Mundi-Prensa , 2002
Buxadé Carbó C , El sector porcino: aspectos básicos , Madrid: Mundi-Prensa , 1993
Davies Morel MCG , Fisiología de la reproducción de los équidos, cría y manejo de la yeguada , Zaragoza: Acribia , 2005
González P , Fundamentos de cunicultura , Córdoba: Pedro González Redondo , 2006
De la Maza M , Fundamentos de la crianza de avestruces , México: Obras y Compendios Ambell , 2002
, Libros de actas de los congresos mundiales taurinos de veterinaria , ,
Daza A , Mejora de la productividad y planificación de explotaciones ovinas , Madrid: Agrícola Española , 2002
Fayez I, Marai M, Owen JB , Nuevas técnicas de producción ovina , Zaragoza: Acribia, 1994
Alderton D , Perros , Barcelona: Omega , 1993
García Matín E , Pollos label y camperos. Picantones , Barcelona: Real Escuela de Avicultura , 1996
Phillips CJC , Principios de producción bovina , Zaragoza: Acribia , 2003
Phillips CJC , Principles of cattle production , Wallingford: CABI Publishing , 2001
Wilkinson JM, Starki BA , Producción comercial de cabras , Zaragoza: Acribia , 2000
Dalmau A , Producción de carne de huevos , Lérida: Dialogo Ediciones , 1994
Bassom F , Razas y cría de pollos y gallinas , Barcelona: Omega , 2010
Hogeveen H, Meijering A , Robotic milking , Nederlands: Wageningen , 2000
Walkowicz C, Wilcox Bonnie DVM , Successful dog breeding: the complete handbook of canine midwifery , Howell Book House , 1994
Fraser AF , The behaviour and welfare of the horse , Oxfordshire: Wallingford , 2010
Webster J , Understanding the dairy cow , Wallingford: CABI Publishing , 1987
Cabrera A, García R, Martínez ML, Sánchez C, Ruíz D , Utilización de índices reproductivos en el desarrollo del sector vacuno lechero , Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca , 2002
, Veterinaria y fauna salvaje. Tomos I y II , Zamora: Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Zamora ,
Buxadé Carbó C , Zootecnia , Madrid: Mundi-Prensa , 1997


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
PHYSIOLOGY I / 00106003
PHYSIOLOGY II / 00106007